Not only does this movie have tons of bloody, savage hand to hand violence, visually compelling and colorful cinematography, a mercilessly enthusiastic and breath-taking performance by British actor Tom Hardy (who you may have seen in Inception), and a bizarre and exciting screen play based on a true story, but its also gonna make you laugh your ass off. Charles Bronson is known as Britain's most violent prisoner. First imprisoned on charges of robbing the store he worked at in his early twenties, Charlie goes on to spend 35 years in prison, most of that time spent in solitary confinement. Why?
Because Charlie likes to beat up guards. And he beats the living hell out of them. Just as Charlie's psyche is unpredictable and sporadic, so is the narrative style of the film, cutting between scenes of real life and some kind of alternate universe where Charlie performs maniacal monologues to an auditorium full of people. I highly recommend this film if you're looking for a violent and visually stunning dark comedy with some really impressive acting.
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