Moon (2009)

A somewhat experimental film from director Duncan Jones who also helped write the film, Moon is his only feature film to date but man did he start his career off with a bang. There is only one human character in the entire film, Sam Bell, played by Sam Rockwell who maybe should've won Best Actor for his performance and it's unbelievable he didn't even get a nomination. In addition to the main man, Kevin Spacey voices a robotic helper (GERTY) that floats around the lunar station with one program, help Sam. His whole character has a very HAL (2001: A Space Odyssey) like feel to him that's done very well. Sam does have some interaction with people at NASA and watches old videos of his wife and child but other than that it's mostly just the two of them in a station on the moon overseeing some kind of unexplained mining project. While this is probably starting to sound really boring let me assure you it isn't.

The plot has some amazing twists and the script does a great job of setting them up, plus the dialogue between Rockwell and Spacey is great. After setting up the world this film is going to take place in a fairly big accident happens and things start to stop making sense for Sam Bell. He begins to have hallucinations, has problems discerning reality, and begins to get pretty sick. The soundtrack is pretty sparse but fits well for the film and the camera work is great. An excellent mind-bender that will keep you thinking for days and will leave you wanting to watch it again right away, I know I did.


  1. Moon blew my mind. After I watched it I just had to sit and stare at the tv for a good half hour to think about the movie.

  2. I actually just watched this two nights ago, and must say that I wasn't totally sold on it. I thought Rockwell faltered through large portions of the script, and Gerty seemed like a convenient aside, merely aiding in forwarding the plot rather than adding much depth. Still a pretty good movie though.

  3. And don't they explain the mining project at the beginning and throughout the movie? I guess they screened it at NASA cause it's something people have actually forwarded as a reality.
